Wednesday 21 November 2012

Getting into the swing of things

After a long flight from Melbourne to Auckland then onto Vancouver I finally made it to Canada! The train ride and walk through the streets of downtown Vancouver was a bit daunting to say the least but my nerves soon eased when I checked into the Same sun hostel and one of my room mates offered me to go for a beer. That beer soon turned into a few and before I knew it I was woken up by someone at the hostel telling me to go to bed. True style  for my first night in Vancouver.
Vancouver Harbor with Grouse Mountain in the Background

The next part of traveling which I was dreading the most was the 13 hour bus ride from Vancouver to Banff however it was a pretty easy ride with the bus stopping every 2-3 hours. After finally arriving in Banff I checked into the HI Hostel which was a bit out of town which was good cause I was a bit tired from the partying in Vancouver so I had a few quiet days in Banff taking in the sites of Rockies, it was good to just relax at the hostel with a couple of beers.
View from the HI Hostel
The day had finally arrived for me to check into staff housing(Charleston Residence/Chucktown), I was welcomed with open arms by my new housemates for the next 6 months. There are about 600 staff that live in Chuck town during the peak of winter and there's always something going on here which is good. So after nearly 2 weeks here friendships have been formed and I am starting to remember everyone's name.
Lake Louise Ski Area Base
The snow has been coming in thick and fast since I started working many powder days already and now with the whole hill open getting out there is gonna get even better, with 3 full days and a few ride breaks under belt already my boarding is becoming better and better as the days go on and with the snow coming down hard outside as I type the 3rd powder day in a row is on the cards for tomorrow.

Life is great and the snow gods are playing nice (So Far)

Found During a Hike to Lake Louise

Don't Miss out on next Season, Get in touch with The Working Holiday Club. 

Get ready for some POW

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